Thursday, October 4, 2012

We DEFINITELY Do Not Play Well With Others

Some months ago, I told a story about how the girls apparently don't play well with others.  My evidence was a decapitated coyote head and family of baby raccoons in my yard after a night of debauchery.

Sunday morning, I stayed in the house for several hours with the girls, attempting to tackle a mountain of dishes and laundry.  I had finally tackled enough of those two mountains that I felt I could move outside and begin some other, equally fun tasks like weeding and watering my flowers.  I opened up the back door and instantly the two girls flew past me and took off like a shot.

I didn't immediately see the coyote that was standing beside the pickup and almost in the garage door of our shop.  He turned to run as soon as the girls began chasing.  Loop and Laurie ran like cheetahs after that coyote, barking up a storm the entire way.  And by bark, I don't mean "Woof (please leave the premesis) woof (at your earliest convenience)."  This was an incredibly guttural Ima gonna kill you type of growl/bark.  I too began running and followed after the girls at a MUCH slower pace, shouting obscenities that helped to solidify the fact that we didn't want coyotes that close to our house ever again, just in case there was any lingering doubt in his mind. 

After a lengthy chase the coyote finally inched away from the girls and ran back towards the pond.  I called the girls back to me and the three of us tried to settle back down. 

As if that weren't enough to make this an epic story..... did I forget to mention that I was on the phone with my aunt the entire time?  My bad.  Yes, that's right, I was on the phone with her as I opened the kitchen door and all the commotion ensued.  Since I forgot to hang up the cell phone in my hand, Aunt Chelle was privileged to hear everything first hand.  I believe it sounded something like this:

"What the? YOU DIRTY @#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$##@@$!@#$%^&*()(*^%#@!@##%^!!#$^&*#!!@#$%&*(&^$%$@!#%%&*)(&%#!@#%&))*^%#%!#%%^&*)*(, hello?  Oh, you're still on the line?  Whoops."


  1. I love your descriptions of their barks, especially the polite one. And the fact that you were cursing at coyotes.

  2. What? Everyone doesn't do that? I'm shocked.


Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.