Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our lovely little life

The wind has finally subsided for a whopping 20 minutes here in the Flint Hills, so I decided to pounce upon this opportunity and take some close up shots of my flowers before they began to follow their usual 6 inch to-and-fro in front of my camera screen, like they normally do.

The girls were very content to watch me while they soaked up the sunshine.  Do you ever just have a good afternoon?  

Laurie loves to chew on horns.  I think she should either say "Ricccccccoooooola" or "Elementary, my dear Watson" but I haven't really decided if she's more suited for the Alps or if she looks more like Sherlock Holmes with his pipe.  Perhaps we should open the floor for a vote.
.....And sometimes it freaks me out when she looks at me and licks her lips. 
Some of the lovely yarrow that I planted between the rocks in the border surrounding our porch.
I don't know why I can't rotate this picture so please tilt your head to the left and admire Loopie with her wise, distant gaze.  She always looks dignified and elegant.  She doesn't lick her lips when she looks at me. 
Clematis (I think).  I usually mess up and call it some sort of venereal disease.  Isn't it great to have a mom that's a nurse?
More yarrow that I got as a transplant from family.  (Yea for free flowers!)  What - you thought my frugal nature only pertained to matters inside of the home?  You are seriously mistaken, my friend!

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Just like mama said... If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.