When I woke up this morning I just knew it was going to be a great sunrise so as Wesley was headed to the shower I headed out the door and hollered, "I'll be back Honey, I'm just going to go shoot for a little while." He paused in his tracks and you could nearly see the wheels in his mind turning, trying to figure out if I was taking my gun or my camera. I like to keep him guessing.
I normally try not to post too many pictures for those that might have slow internet, but I just can't oblige those of you this morning. And really, this is a verrrry abridged version of how many pictures I actually took. I hope everyone has a super day!
*These were all taken on the watershed across the road from our place.*
And sorry, some of these I enlarged to a ridiculously large size for emphasis.
I realize that everyone is scratching their heads right now. Why are these photos here? As I was walking to and from the watershed I noticed this new activity. I believe that it's either the work of a beaver or a 7 year old boy with a hatchet. I didn't think that we had any beavers in this area, but then again, I'm really sure that we don't have any little boys.... so I think its apparent who the culprit is.
These photos are RIDICULOUS. So bright. I love it!