Saturday, January 14, 2017

Odds, Ends and Life Lately

Our lives seem to stay quite busy.  We don't have much noteworthy going on, but boy are we exhausted by the end of the day.  

Wesley has been cleaning out a pond in one of our pastures with the bulldozer.  We've been out a few times to check on his progress and let Kenyon ride with him.  Poor John still draws the short straw and has to entertain his mother instead of doing 'man stuff'.  

On this particular day it was 25 degrees out and there was a sharp north wind blowing.  I insisted Kenyon crawl off the dozer after nearly an hour and come sit in the vehicle with me.  I thought I was performing my motherly duties.  I thought I was saving his life.  

I thought wrong.  I ruined his life.  He was utterly dejected the rest of the evening.  

During the few nicer days we've made sure to soak up as much sunshine and dirt road miles as possible.

Our theme for church last Sunday was 'vests'.  I'm not promising to shoot for a theme every Sunday, but it's worked for us the past few weeks.

The weather forecasters have been predicting the apocalypse for over a week now.  Torrential ice is supposed to cover our area, power will be lost, mass chaos will likely ensue.  (Okay, so I made that last part up.)  

Truth be told, I just can't get that worked up or dramatic about bad weather.  I view it as more of a challenge.  I like to see what I'm really made of; test my moxie.  I'd like to think we are fairly prepared.  Our laundry is totally caught up, dishes washed, children and self bathed.  We can ride out a few days with no power and do alright.  

I ran errands this week and this was a picture of my cart at the grocery store.  Folks would look at my cart, chuckle, and inevitably make a joke to the effect of, 'Getting ready for the ice storm, eh?'  (Actually, I don't think anyone included 'eh' because we don't live in Canada.  I took a bit of creative license there.)  I enjoyed providing my stonefaced reply to each and every one of them.  

"Ice storm?  No, why?"  

This is normal, folks.  (Everything but the 12 boxes of Kleenex, which were on sale and I had some lovely coupons.)  I try to make most all our meals, I had coupons and my mother-in-law was kind enough to keep the boys one morning for me.  I was in heaven.   

Our first round of ice came last night and thus far the roads aren't too terrible.  We've been out and delivered cookies to the men that are feeding cattle despite any weather and now have holed up for the foreseeable future with a few good books.  If you have any weather headed your way make sure to stay warm, friends!  

Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Year, New News

It's that time of year again; time for me to write the incorrect year on all my checks until roughly mid-March.

My apologies on the lack of blogging lately.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years; its all been a blur.

The boys are fine.  Kenyon asks questions constantly, eats constantly, forgets what he's actually supposed to be doing constantly.  Typical boy stuff.

John has mastered speed-walking, knows he's adorable and is full of vim and vigor.  They keep us running from son up until son down (ha - see what I did there?!) and ensure that we sleep hard at night.
My mother delighted in dressing us in coordinating dresses for church when we were growing up.  This is my version of coordinating outfits for the boys.  Notice the hand on John's shoulder.  It is currently one of the best ways to make him hold still long enough for pictures. 

A snowy day of running errands in the car.
Sigh, yes, I said car.  We traded in the pickup for a car.  More on that reasoning later...
We weigh our kids on the dog scales at the vet's office.
Why?  Where do you?  Is this not normal?

Like I said - he knows he's adorable, even when his face is covered with homemade beef stroganoff. 
And we're pregnant.  Again.  So there's that.  That may be the biggest reason there's been a huge lack of blogging lately.  We're mostly just trying to survive one day at a time!